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5 Underrated Design Systems You Should Know About

5 Underrated Design Systems You Should Know About.

Ever wondered what makes a design system special? There are some amazing ones out there that you may never have heard of! We wanted to give you some inspiration and share with you our favorite underrated unknown design systems you should check out.

REI’s Cedar Design System

REI’s Cedar

An extensive system covering everything from Foundations, Patterns, Components, and Icons. Publicly available to have a look at, it’s definitely one you should take a dive into. You can even have a look at how they’ve documented their tokens!

Uber’s Base

As a brand with different specialties, from the classic Uber to UberEats, Uber’s Base brings together all these aspects into one cohesive system. Uber’s documentation is extensive, and goes into depth on all aspects of it’s branding and usage. For more mature inspiration, this is absolutely one to look up to.

Nord System.

Nord’s Design System

Nord’s system is a great example of a well-documented design system displaying information from guidelines, templates, and design token coverage. They also add additional documentation on themes and their Nordicons, a new feature is their additional contribution model.


Tide’s Portal

This design system does a great job of keeping it simple, while also mixing their guidelines cross-platform. Tide’s Portal is easy to navigate with a homepage directing you to the key elements you may need to find easily, alongside other resources the user may need!

Pajamas design system.

GitLab’s Pajamas

GitLab’s Pajamas provides very thorough documentation. But they’ve made it super easy to read with clear navigation to the information you need! Collaboration and feedback are encouraged, and they have included usability, interaction, and accessibility in the system.

What design systems do you think more people should know about? We want to hear all about them from you! Jump into the conversation with us on Twitter 🐥