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Basically, why do you need a Design System?

Question mark in a speech bubble.

Having a design system has become key to companies, brands, and teams, and for a good reason. Millions of years ago, (we joke) designers would have created designs from scratch every time they worked on a new project… how awful. As you can imagine, and may still be experiencing, this is time-consuming, inconsistent, and leads to a lack of cohesion across products.

Confused? A design system is…
A collection of documented reusable components, guidelines, and assets that are used to create a consistent look and feel across all products. Essentially, it is a set of rules that guide designers on how to create designs.

So here are just a few of the basic reasons YOU need a design system:

Improved Efficiency
Design systems help to streamline the design process. When you have a set of pre-defined rules and components, your designers can work faster and more efficiently. They no longer need to start from scratch on every project, which saves time and reduces errors. And, will make your designers very happy!

Consistency is key when it comes to design. A design system ensures that all products have a consistent look and feel. This consistency helps to build brand recognition and trust with users. When users interact with a product, they should be able to recognize that it is a part of your brand.

As your business grows, so will your design needs. Having a design system ensures that your design can scale as your business does. If you have a set of reusable components and guidelines on how to use them, you can easily create new products without having to start from scratch.

Design systems promote collaboration among designers, developers, and other stakeholders. When you use a design system, all of your team members can work together more effectively. Everyone is on the same page, the design process becomes more efficient, and you can discuss and collaborate all together on your branding!

Design systems can also help to improve accessibility. Accessibility is key, and always becoming more and more important. You need to ensure everyone can access your brand. Using guidelines laid out in your styleguide, designers can ensure that products are accessible to all users. They can create designs that are easy to read, navigate, use, and then replicate.

If you don’t already have a design system, you might realize they are essential if you want to create consistent, efficient, and scalable designs. By having a set of guidelines and components, designers can work faster and more collaboratively, while also improving your user experience.


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