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Decorate your Christmas tree like you decorate your design system

As Christmas approaches, many of us are getting ready to decorate our homes with festive decorations. One popular option is the Christmas tree, a beloved symbol of the season that brings joy and cheer to homes around the world. But have you ever thought about design systems in a more festive context to help you with your Christmas tree decoration?

At first glance, the idea of a design system might not seem to have much in common with a Christmas tree. After all, one is a tool for organizing and standardizing design elements, while the other is a festive tradition that dates back to 16th century Germany.

So, if you still need some help and inspiration with your holiday decorations, let’s see how the principles of design systems can be applied to the process of creating the perfect Christmas tree for you.

Illustration of Christmas lights

Set the foundations of your Christmas tree

In many ways, a Christmas tree can be thought of as a design system – a carefully curated collection of elements that come together to create a cohesive, harmonious whole.

The first step is to establish a clear set of guidelines and principles that will guide the tree’s overall design. This might include decisions about color schemes, ornament placement, and lighting effects.

Once these guidelines are established, the next step is to carefully plan and organize the various elements of the tree. This might involve laying out the ornaments in a specific pattern or arranging the lights in a particular way. The goal here is to create a cohesive and visually appealing design that follows the established principles.

Illustration of holiday ornaments

Define your Christmas tree identity

Just like a design system, a Christmas tree needs to have a clear hierarchy and structure.

At the top sits the design principles, which are the guiding beliefs and values that inform the system. These principles serve as the “star” on top of the tree, guiding the design team in making decisions. ​

Below the principles are the components, which are the building blocks of the system. These can include buttons, input fields, typography, and more. These components are like the ornaments on a Christmas tree, adding visual interest and variation to the system.

At the base of the tree, we have our foundational elements – typography, color, spacing, etc. These are the building blocks that form the foundation of our design system, and they play a crucial role in creating a consistent, unified aesthetic.

Illustration of Christmas lights

The (Christmas) tree hiding the forest

But a design system isn’t just about how it looks. It also has the power to bring people together, fostering collaboration and alignment within a team. It’s the same for a Christmas tree that is more than just a collection of branches and ornaments. It’s a symbol of warmth, joy, and togetherness.

A design system can also help ensure that our designs are accessible to all users, regardless of ability or context, incorporating accessibility considerations to be used by a wide range of people. The same goes for a Christmas tree that should also be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Just as a well-designed and implemented design system can improve the user experience and make a product more enjoyable to use, a beautifully decorated Christmas tree brings delight to those who see it.

Illustration of holiday ornaments

The right balance for your Christmas tree

Have you noticed how Christmas trees can be different yet still consistent? Some are real trees, others are made of wood, plastic, or more creative materials, and when it comes to decorations, it’s utterly flexible with all the Christmas lights, tinsels, balls, stars, etc. Just as a Christmas tree can be decorated with a variety of ornaments, a design system can be customized to fit the specific needs of a project.

The ornaments on a tree can be colorful, sparkly, and varied, but they all work together to create a cohesive look. Similarly, a design system allows for flexibility and creativity while ensuring consistency across a product. Although the different Christmas trees may differ significantly in terms of design, there are many similarities between them, such as the shape, trunk, branches, and decorations.

Just like a design system can bring consistency and remains flexible, it’s all about finding the right balance.

Illustration of Christmas lights

It’s all about the spirit!

As you’re putting up your Christmas tree, think about the ways in which it can serve as a metaphor for a design system. In the same way that a design system can add order and consistency to a digital product, a Christmas tree brings joy and cheer to a home.

So this holiday season, let’s not forget the importance of design systems and all the “ornaments” that enhance them. And remember, just like a well-designed Christmas tree, a well-crafted design system can bring joy and consistency to those who use it.

Happy holidays from all of us at zeroheight!