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zeroheight team talks Design Systems

Illustration of a microphone.

We have some amazing zerohires and team members who love to chat about design systems (you might’ve already guessed this), and as such they’ve already written some awesome content on the subject. Regardless of if you’re a design system novice or expert, here are just some of the articles ready for you to dive into.

Design Systems are important

You may be wondering if you actually need a design system, or even be trying to make the case for one at your company. We can help with that, here is some awesome content all about it.

Best value illustration.

What is the value of a design system?

Here we chat all about the simple value of having and implementing a design system. Answering questions like, what is the value of a design system? What benefits does it bring? Why should we invest in one? This is the article for you if you need convincing.

Making a business case for a design system

So you are desperately yearning to have a design system for your team, but, others can’t see why. On our blog, we talk all about how the benefits outweigh the cost, and how you can build your business case.

Measure a design system

How to measure your design system

You did it! You have it built, looking beautiful and making your designers and developers super happy. Oh, wait, now you need to measure its success. We have all the tips and tricks for you right here.

Documentation & content are your BFF’s

If you didn’t already know, we hope you did, documentation is KEY to your design system. It’s no good putting all that effort in if no one knows how to document or manage content properly. Luckily for you, here are some things we’ve written about that, so you can ace it.

How to document your design system components

GET DOCUMENTING. Sorry for yelling. As we say “Documentation is the cornerstone of a design system; without it, your design system will just be a component library.” We know, documentation can be tricky, but we’ll help you out.

Illustration of content having a seat at the table.

Content & design systems

If your system is just a bunch of buttons and patterns, you’re probably not going to get very far. Here we chat all about how you can improve your content. Your words need to embody your brand as much as your design does, how else will the user know your tone of voice?

Developer’s <3 design tokens

Developers and design tokens, what would we do without them? A few years ago design tokens were the new kids on the block, and now they are a key element we quite frankly would find it hard to function without. We’re passionate about them and all the power they have, so read all about it.

Life of a design token

In the style of the one and only Sir David Attenborough, we talk you through the lifecycle of the design token. You can find out more about them from their conception to their relationships, and see how they are key they are in filling the space between design and development.

zeroheight to design tokens illustration.

Five ways to display developer content in zeroheight

You might not know how to handle your developer content. Whether that means Github, design tokens, code snippets or Storybook – we talked you through how we deal with it all at zeroheight.

Don’t forget about accessibility

It’s always been important, but now more than ever you have to make sure your content is accessible to everyone. Documenting and ensuring your system meets these requirements can seem daunting, which is why we want to help.

An easy way to learn accessibility

Let’s break it down. Learning about accessibility can feel intimidating and complicated, but here we will walk you through it from the foundations, to how to even start, to key tips and share with you some amazing resources for diving even further into it.

Myth illustration.

Myths of accessibility in design systems

There are a lot of myths around accessibility, you and your colleagues may have heard some of them. But, that’s just what they are myths! We’re breaking some of them down and myth-busting for you.

Teamwork makes the dream work

Forgive the cheese. It’s just true! Design systems are all about collaboration, feedback, teamwork, and building beautiful things. This means that your team is as important as the design system itself.

How to build a design system team

Your team is so important, but how do you go about building that team? We answer that question and more in this article. Because, if you didn’t already realize “a design system team is a people thing and a people project.”

Illustration of teamwork.

What makes a happy design system team?

You’ve got your awesome team, they are making waves and getting it done. However, we found happiness within the team to be a key hurdle. It’s one you must cross eventually, so we put together some insights on how to keep your team happy.

And there you have it, all the reading you need to do kick off your  journey and not only succeed but become a design system mastermind 👏 We have so much more content on the blog, including some amazing webinars you can watch! Also, have a chat with our Design Advocates Jules and Michelle, or just us in general on Twitter 🐥