Inclusion scholarships for Converge 2024

We believe in making events accessible to as wide a range of people as possible. It helps to make our community and industry better and ensures the future of design systems will be far richer, agile, and diverse in its thinking.

Anyone in an under-represented or marginalized group in tech can be eligible for our scholarship, including, but not limited to: Black, Indigenous, and people of color; LGBTQIA+ people; people with disabilities; people over the age of 50; and people facing economic or social hardship.


To apply for one of our scholarship tickets, please the team with the following information:

  1. Your name
  2. Your current role and organization (if applicable)
  3. Why you’d like to attend Converge 2024 in Brighton and what you’re looking forward to learning and gaining from the event
  4. and/or why you’d like to attend the Nathan Curtis workshop the day before the conference (if you’re applying for this in addition to (or instead of) the conference)
  5. Why you’re applying for a scholarship ticket

Please keep in mind you’ll need to be able to attend the conference and/or workshop which take place across the 2nd to 4th of October. We will keep all this information confidential and will not publicly announce any attendees who qualify for these tickets. What you say is totally up to you!

Applications must be received by: September 18th 2024. 


If none of the above applies to you, you can still help. By either spreading the word via social media, email or word of mouth.

Having folks who are already in the space use their privilege to open up space for others is how we will make the future of design systems more diverse, interesting, and way better.

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