Making Pinterest more inclusive through design systems

Cintia Romero

Best talk

image for Cintia Romero

Cintia Romero

Making Pinterest more inclusive through design systems

Best talk

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My talk teaches easy-to-follow guidelines for integrating accessibility and inclusivity into the everyday design process, using Gestalt (Pinterest Design System) as an example of successful outcomes in design and business by leveraging its foundational specs. Additionally, I share real examples and a perspective from a color-blind Latina designer. 

Key takeaways

  1. Learn how to foster inclusive design at scale, starting from the foundation: the design system
  2. Learn how to create accessibility training for designers and cross-functional partners 
  3. Discover that accessible design is essential and easier than you think and you can start with small steps!

Value of the talk

I had the honor of speaking at Axe-con, which is considered to be the world’s largest digital accessibility conference. During my talk, I represented Pinterest, andI shared real-life examples and practical methodologies to promote inclusivity in design, starting from the design system. Our design team has created various training programs, tools, plugins, and processes that can help other teams design experiences that cater to everyone.

Business case studies presented that creating accessible products goes beyond solving digital access for people with impairments. It drives innovation, enhances the brand, reaches a bigger audience, increases downloads, and minimizes legal risks.The importance of an inclusive design system cannot be overstated. Gestalt’s commitment to inclusivity sets an excellent example for other businesses to follow, and I was able to share our gains, aiming to motivate other design systems teams to do the same. By making small changes to the design and using the design system as a solid foundation, we can make technology more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. 

My talk was watched by 649 attendees live, and hundreds more have streamed it on-demand through Deque’s resources. It’s still available today for anyone who wants to learn more about creating inclusive digital experiences, including video transcripts, captions, and ASL Interpreters.