Measuring the Value of Design Systems

Maya Hampton

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Maya Hampton

Measuring the Value of Design Systems

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Exploration into the different ways to measure design system value, based on personal experiences, and focusing on outcomes over output.

Key takeaways

In summary, a design system’s value lies not only in its output but in the outcomes it drives, leading to positive changes in behavior and business results. By focusing on outcomes, design system teams can better communicate the value of ongoing investment in the system.

Value of the article

Measuring value, beyond output and adoption, is a topic that’s essential for the ongoing growth and investment in design systems. We can learn from each other’s experiences, and introduce new ways of thinking about value that are more aligned to the goals of design systems then some traditional metrics.

Many articles about measuring design system focus on adoption, and while that is key and there is much to infer, there is a lot of value in communicating impact through outcomes.