
Jérôme Benoît

Best plugin

image for OxyScan


Jérôme Benoît

Best plugin

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About the context

We had two problems: first, we wanted to help our Product Designers ramp up on our Design System and use it wisely. Second, we wanted to ensure that the files shipped to developers were clean enough to facilitate their work and reduce useless frictions. But having to manually check thousands of layers every single day was not a realistic approach. That’s when this notion of “Design System Compliance” appeared as a solution, and to make it scalable, we wanted our Product Designers to assess their compliance autonomously. After a discovery with them, we understood that a plugin was the solution.

About the plugin

OxyScan is an in-house Figma plugin that allows the user to scan a Figma page, provide an overall design system compliance score (with a breakdown by Frame) and flag non-compliant layers. We can then access those layers in 1 click and update them to make them compliant. This tool enables designers to perform a quick and easy check of their file before handing it over to the developers.

This plugin is a great lever to:

  • improve designers’ skills around the design system usage, and develops automatic habits and a real adoption
  • simplify discussion between dev and design, by removing misunderstanding or confusion, and then friction
  • promote best in class craft: no more instances detached, no more custom exotic component created.

Value of the plugin

Our strategy based on this plugin worked very well: the team (25 Product Designers) reached more than 80% compliance in 3 months (47% at the start), and the quality of our designs has improved considerably. Thanks to this plugin, designers also collectively developed their crafting skills on Figma and design system knowledge. Fun fact is this homemade plugin has become kind of a funny ritual for Product Designers: at the end of their sprint, to test their file and see how much compliance they reached. What we also saw in the last months the number of support requests from designers decreasing, but an increase in terms of complexity. Which means Designers are more autonomous in their daily craft, but when they reach the DS team they have an accurate question about which they already inquired in the guidelines.

One of our Product Designer (a power user) wrote an article on Medium about OxyScan.