Tokens Studio for Figma

Tokens Studio

Best plugin

image for Tokens Studio for Figma

Tokens Studio for Figma

Tokens Studio

Best plugin

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image for Tokens Studio for Figma

About the context

Tokens Studio was born to empower designers to use design tokens in their design workflow and bring designers and engineers closer together. Before Tokens Studio, design tokens could not be used or defined in any design tool, making the process of defining and handing off design tokens to development a time consuming process without any advantages for designers. Tokens were not linked to the design, so ultimately the process was still manual. Today over a hundred thousand designers are using the Tokens Studio plugin to manage their design token library, have their designs fully in sync with code and work more efficient than before. Tokens Studio laid the foundations for the Headless DS pattern which has been gaining massive global adoption and was the first tool that made multi-brand design systems in Figma a reality.

About the plugin

The plugin allows designers to maintain a multi-brand/theme/mode design token library and use these design tokens in Figma to build connected design systems/product design. Connected because design decisions are now connected to tokens and connected between code and design through our sync providers such as GitHub (repositories) or JSONBin for example.

Our plugin is the central hub for many design systems when it comes to management and source of truth around design decisions. We bridged the gap between design and engineering by providing the first ever elegant bi-directional sync solution between design and code. We made multi-brand design systems a reality in Figma by providing a way to switch design files or entire libraries between brands/themes/modes with ease. Because of this, we drastically reduce the number of required libraries saving teams from many redundant manual updates across libraries, eliminating human error and giving time back to the DS team to focus on quality solutions instead of library maintenance.

Value of the plugin

Our plugin has made a major impact in the Design System and DS Tooling industry. We have played a significant role in involving the larger design community to learn about and use design tokens, the 110k+ plugin users are a great testimony tot this. We have been pushing the boundaries of what design tokens can solve, while representing a very large group of designers and engineers across the space. In doing so we have made an impact on, and will continue to support the DTCG Design Token spec. A significant recent contribution is our work on handling themes and modes through our proposal of resolvers. We open sourced this entire concept. We are open source and we work 100% in the open.

As you can see in our repo, we have a lively community and we are committed to building a product for our users. We have a thriving slack community with over 5000 users actively participating in supporting each other and sharing knowledge. Many users praise our community for it’s responsiveness and positive impact. We release new features almost every 2 weeks. We support the larger ecosystem by supporting other relevant open source projects such as Style Dictionary, we for example built a playground where designers can build a SD pipeline without writing a single line of code.

We also contributed many community resources, including the Token Zen Garden project: