Once you’ve set up SSO for zeroheight, you may still want to invite people from outside of your organization, like agencies or independent contractors. Our private viewers feature allows you to invite external viewers without compromising styleguide security.

You can invite private viewers to your styleguide by entering their email address, or you can invite multiple people at once by uploading a CSV file. Once you’ve entered the email addresses of the folks you wish to invite, we’ll send an email with a magic link for them to access the styleguide. You’ll retain ultimate control over styleguide security. At any time, you can revoke private viewer access. 

Private viewers can access styleguides for 30 days using the magic link. If they require additional access, they can request it on the zeroheight login page.

Private viewers is the perfect way to ensure everyone who needs access to your styleguides has it without compromising any security.