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Create, edit and delete design tokens

Create, edit and delete design tokens

You can manage your tokens in zeroheight with Token Manager. The extent to which you can manage your tokens will depend partly on how they are created or imported.

Any changes you make to your token set in zeroheight will be automatically saved in zeroheight however your styleguides or links with external systems will not be updated until you publish your changes

Add and edit tokens

In addition to importing tokens from an external source, you can also create new tokens directly in zeroheight.

  1. In your file, select +Add TokensRed arrow pointing to Add tokens function
  2. Enter the token name and value and select Create tokenWindow to create color token
  3. You have a new token that you can add to your styleguide and your token file.New token added to your token set

Deleting tokens

To delete a token, hover over a token name and select the three dots menu and select ‘delete’

Publishing changes

After making changes you must publish these changes for them to take effect in both your documentation and in any exports.

If the source of your tokens is a synced GitHub repo, when you publish your changes you’ll have the option to create a pull request in GitHub to update the file there. This is an optional step, you do not need to create a pull request every time you publish changes in zeroheight.


What if I delete my token set?

Your tokens will still be in your styleguide even if you delete your token set from the Tokens tab; however, the link to your token set in GitHub is disconnected. If you want to update your tokens in your styleguide, you must delete them and reinsert them.

See also: