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Gather feedback using Hotjar

Gather feedback using Hotjar

This feature is available on all Enterprise plans. Want this and other premium features? Update your plan here.

Track incoming feedback

You can create an incoming feedback widget to gather feedback from users of your documentation. This will display to viewers of your styleguide, for example:

Incoming feedback widget – collapsed example
Incoming feedback widget – expanded example

Create feedback surveys

You can use Hotjar to create a feedback survey that will be displayed to viewers of your styleguide. Note that zeroheight also offers the feedback footer option for collecting feedback via survey.

Feedback survey example

Where to view feedback results

You can view the results of feedback in Hotjar and the feedback will be in context, showing the page where the feedback was provided:

Feedback example

Hotjar has built-in analytics that enables you to track sentiment towards your documentation. Hotjar also has Zapier and Slack integrations that allow you to send the feedback where you want.

If you want to see how helpful your page is, try Page Rating (available for Enterprise plans only)