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Private pages – SSO

Private pages – SSO

This feature is available on all Professional and Enterprise plans. Want this and other premium features? Update your plan here.

Secure pages using SSO

You can now secure pages in your styleguide using Single Sign-On (SSO). This is particularly useful if you want to make your guide public but restrict access to certain internal-only pages.

SSO protected private page example

Who can use this feature?

Before you start, you must have:

Make a page private

1) Click the ... icon next to the page name

three dot menu for styleguide page

2) Toggle on Private page. You will see a notification that the page is now private:

Page is now private notification

3) Click the Change access method in the notification or navigate to Styleguide settings > Security

4) Under Private page access, choose SSO. Note: this setting will apply across all private pages.

Private pages

5) You will see this lock icon next to the page name. Viewers will now have to login using SSO to view the page.

Styleguide page with a lock icon

Test SSO access

As an editor you will already be logged in using SSO so will be able to access the page content. To test the workflow for a viewer:

1) Copy the Share link

2) Open a private/incognito window and paste the link

3) You should see a page like this:

Styleguide page locked behind SSO


Can I use this on a private styleguide?

Yes, you can use this on a private styleguide. If your styleguide is protected using SSO then those viewers will already have access to the private pages by default. However viewers accessing using a shared password would not be able to view the SSO-protected pages.

Can I protect one page with only SSO and another with only a password?

Not at this time. The security setting you choose in Styleguide settings applies across all private pages in the styleguide.

As a viewer do I need to sign in using SSO to each private page or only once per styleguide?

You only need to sign in once using SSO then you will have access to all the private pages in the styleguide.

Can I give different SSO groups access to different pages?

At the moment no, the SSO group would either have access to all private pages or none.

How does this work with private viewers?

If your styleguide is private then private viewers (invited by email) will have access to the SSO-protected pages.

If your styleguide is public then there is a workaround for this feature, please contact us at

How does this work with password-protected pages?

You can use this alongside password-protected pages, just choose the Password or SSO option instead:

Password or SSO option selected in the Private page area of the Security section in the Styleguide settings

Can I customize the login screen?

Yes, we use the accent color for the color of the button.

Styleguide page with customized button color

You can change this in Styleguide settings:

Accent color picker in the Styleguide settings