Help Center



When you search your styleguide in viewer mode, you will find results including:

Tip: You can add notes as tags to design uploads so that they appear in the search, for example icon aliases for icons that you’ve uploaded so that you can find them easily.

Search results for design uploads notes

Order of search results

You will see three levels of hierarchy in the search results: Top Navigation > Category > Page.

The search results appear in the following order:

  1. Pages
  2. Text
  3. Categories
  4. Components and styles
  5. Tokens

With design uploads, you can then go into inspect mode directly from the preview.

If you’d rather your viewers weren’t able to inspect directly from search, you can toggle Disable inspecting items on in your individual block settings.

Missing search results analytics

Analytics is only available for Enterprise plans. Want this and other premium features? Update your plan here.

If viewers of your styleguide search for a term and it returns no results, they are able to report the missing information to you

They are able to expand on their original search term to give more information, if they think it could be helpful

Editors are then able to see any “missing search results” that have been reported in the analytics section of zeroheight. You can see these results for each styleguide you have.

You are able to mark terms as “resolved” when you have added content to cover the term. If you want to later view to resolved terms, there is a filter that can be used to see the closed issues.