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Send release notes to Microsoft Teams

Send release notes to Microsoft Teams

This feature is available for Professional and Enterprise plans. Want this and other premium features? Update your plan here.

When you create or edit a Release, zeroheight can send a notification to your preferred Microsoft Teams channel that includes your release notes.

First connect your Microsoft Teams account to zeroheight, then enable release notifications on your styleguide and choose your team/channel. Finally, when you create your next release – you’ll be able to add release notes and they’ll be sent to your chosen channel.

Connecting to Microsoft Teams

1) Go to Your profile, and select Integrations from the left navigation

2) Then click the Connect under the MS Teams heading

3) You’ll then need be asked to sign into your Microsoft Teams account.

4) Depending on the User Consent permissions configured by your Microsoft Azure administrator, you may be required to request approval before connecting your Microsoft Teams account to zeroheight. The zeroheight app requires the following permissions:

  • read the names/descriptions of channels and teams
  • view basic profile info (e.g. name, user name, picture, email address)
  • maintain access to the data above even when the app isn’t being used
  • send channel messages

Enabling Microsoft Teams notifications and choosing your team and channel

1) Go to the styleguide that you want to send notifications for, click the ... and open the Styleguide settings

three dots menu to find Styleguide Settings

2) Go to the Integrations section

3) Check the box next to New release notifications and select the team and channel you want to post in and click save

Create a release and send the notification

1) From the homepage, click the rocket icon to open the Manage Releases menu

Pink arrow pointing to the rocket icon in zeroheight

2) Click the Create release button

3) Give your release a name and (optionally) provide some notes to accompany the notification.

Note: If you edit an existing release and do not change the name or add notes, a notification will not be sent

4) Release notes can include emojis and basic formatting like bold, italic, quotes, bullets, numbered lists and links. To create links to specific pages in your documentation you can highlight the text, chose to create a link and search for the page you want to link to.

Note: Notifications cannot be sent for hidden releases.

Note: You can create a release without a notification by unchecking the “Send a MS Teams notification” checkbox

5) Click Confirm

6) Check Microsoft Teams to see your notification

Note: You should ensure that your styleguide has a name before sending notifications. If you don’t want the name to be visible to viewers on the cover page you can choose to toggle off “Display text”.


Can I post to private channels in Microsoft Teams?


Can I edit the message that gets posted to Microsoft Teams?

The first line of the message cannot be edited but the notes that are appended to it can be customised before sending. Once sent to Microsoft Teams, the message can be edited or deleted.

Can I send notifications to Slack?

Yes but each zeroheight team can only be connected to one of Microsoft Teams or Slack. If someone has connected the team to Slack then this connection will need to be removed before any user is able to connect their zeroheight account to Microsoft Teams.