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Workspace Admin

Workspace Admin

Workspace Admins are users who are able to:

  • manage everything within their workspace (i.e. they can invite new users, change the role of existing users), and
  • edit content across all styleguides in the workspace.

They are analogous to Organization Admins – who are able to able to manage everything within their zeroheight organization (i.e. they can invite new users, change the role of existing users, setup SSO and edit Invoice email etc) and are able to edit content across all styleguides in the organization.

Workspace specific

Workspace Admins and Editors are unique because users with these permissions do not necessarily have the same permissions in all of the workspaces where they are a member. For example, it’s possible for a user to have Editor user permissions in one workspace but have the additional Workspace Admin permissions in another.

Workspace Admins are listed as an Editor in the organization member page.

All other user permissions (Organization Admin, Organization Manager, Workspace Manager and Reviewer) apply to a user across all of the workspaces where they are a member.


Because Workspace Admins’ (and Workspace Managers’) permissions are restricted to specific workspaces – they are not able to make changes that could affect other workspaces.

This means they do not have permissions to make the below changes since doing so could affect other worksapces:

  • Remove users from the organization
  • Make changes to users with the Organization Admin, Organization Manager, Workspace Manager and Reviewer user permissions
  • Change a user with the Editor user permissions to a Organization Admin, Organization Manager, Workspace Manager or Reviewer

While Organization Admins and Organization Managers do have these permissions they are not able to make these changes on the Workspace members page, they must make them on the organization members page.

When adding users to a workspace they are able to assign them the Workspace Admin, Workspace Manager, Editor or Reviewer user permissions.

They are able to promote Editors to Workspace Admins and demote Workspace Admins to Editors since these changes only apply to workspace where the change is being made.