Design Systems Essentials: Contribution Process

We’re ready to bring another Design Systems Essentials webinar on a fun and challenging topic – the contribution process!

What are some best practices for small orgs? What works better for larger orgs? Multiple brands? We’ll dig into things a bit deeper with design system experts.

We’ll have some amazing panelists offering first-hand experiences.

Mark Carion's profile picture

Mark Caron is the UX/Design Systems Manager at Red Hat, where he’s navigated and steered the design system evolution there. He is experienced in managing cross-functional design and engineering teams, and standardizing best practices. Mark’s also passionate about people, accessibility, and creating inclusive user experiences…and tacos.

Teddy Voisin's profile picture

Teddy Voisin is a Senior Product Designer at Back Market. He’s actively worked on Back Market’s design system, Revolve for the past two years. Back Market is a refurbished smartphone and electronics specialist in Europe.

Michelle Chin's profile picture

Michelle Chin is a Design Advocate at zeroheight and will moderate the webinar. She has experience in starting design systems from scratch and then scaling them across a 30+ product portfolio for an enterprise company. She’s also the co-host of the UX In Real Life podcast that examines what UX is really like at work and in the world around us. Michelle is also an environmental justice advocate and works to provide tree equity in Oakland, California.