design systems wtf #15

April 10, 2024

How much should you future-proof your design system?

Design systems should reflect what’s currently in your product, but it’s tempting to future-proof them. After all, getting the system up and running was a lot of work, so what’s the harm in adding a few new things? Future us will thank our past selves, right?

Join us as we offer our spicy opinions and unpack whether investing time and resources into making your design system future-proof is a visionary move or an unnecessary gamble. 

Design Systems WTF is a podcast from zeroheight. Let’s be honest, design systems are full of choice wtf moments. Michelle and Luke, two of our resident design advocates, are attempting to combat this with a new regular series, where they answer a single question around design system troubles every two weeks.

Catch up on previous episodes of Design Systems WTF on Youtube, and all podcast platforms 😊