The Product Shipping Forecast #1: Are we ready yet?

The Product Shipping Forecast.

May 7th, 2024

We have a new podcast coming your way from two of our zeroheighters, Senior Product Engineer Rosie Watson and Senior Product Designer Rob Whitfield! We talk a lot about design systems, but on The Product Shipping Forecast, they’ll be focusing is product development 👀

For the first episode of The Product Shipping Forecast, Rosie and Rob will be diving right into the deep end of the product development process to talk about handoff. They’ll discuss the tools and practices that have been a help – and a hindrance – when trying to move from designing to building. Is there such a thing as too much documentation? Can a single tool solve your handoff woes? And what does “ready for dev” mean in a world of agile and Kanban workflows?

Join them on 7th May at 2pm BST (6am PT, 9AM ET). Register now!

On The Product Shipping Forecast, Rosie and Rob help you navigate the treacherous waters of product development. In each episode, they share their thoughts and experiences on working in product teams, collaborating with others, and discussing hot topics, so you’ll feel less adrift.


Rosie Watson
she/her; Sr. Product Engineer at zeroheight

Rosie has had a varied work background – from tackling an airport parking ecommerce site, to education apps for children. Now, zeroing in on design system documentation, in a team focusing on getting engineer involvement in the DS process. On the side, Rosie is teaming up with Rob to try and improve the internal design system.

Rob Whitfield
he/him; Sr. Product Designer at zeroheight

Rob is a Senior Product Designer based in London. Over the course of his career he’s gone from creating marketing pages, to designing project management software and consumer finance apps. As a designer he’s always interested in understanding problems and making collaboration part of the design process. Now, at zeroheight, he’s focused on designing solutions to help improve the work and efficiency of design system teams.