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Hiring and getting hired for design system roles in 2022

The shape of teams in the design systems space is really varied; there may not be a dedicated team at all. There are also varying levels of experience and maturity within any given organization. All of this along with the already wide range of titles we might have across design and development makes hiring for and looking for a design systems-specific role pretty difficult.

What we want to do is try and gauge the pulse of the design systems space and see what it’s like for people looking for roles and those hiring. We’ll leave the surveys open until the end of September 2022 so please share them around! With our data analysts, we’ll go through the results and make it all available to the community later in the year.

Hiring for design system roles?

How have you found recruiting people to work on your design system? What challenges have you come across?

Looking for a design system role?

Are you looking for a role with a design system team or a design system-specific role? What has your experience been?